New Sketch: Trying to Loosen Up Painting


I’m not sure I’ll ever be a ‘painterly’ painter but am still trying to loosen up my painting. I keep thinking about something Alex Kanevsky said in a workshop; ‘Paint faster than you think.’, so have tried to give it a go with this piece.

Painting without thought actually made the activity much more enjoyable and less laboured, and meant I kept being surprised by what appeared on the canvas.

As well as trying to loosen up my application of paint, I also tried to introduce some emotion and paint with the heart, not just the head, so attempted to incorporate my feelings about the Covid lockdown into this study.

I’m tentatively calling it ‘Aubade’ after Philip Larkin’s poem. (Acrylic, charcoal, chalk and ink on A1 paper 84cm x 59cm)

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