New Drawing: Seated Nude Study II

Seated Nudy Study II
Seated Nudy Study II

This is nude study developed from a painted sketch produced during a recent life drawing class (which can be seen in the background of the photograph of this drawing in my studio). The painting itself attempted to capture the light and colour of the model, whilst this drawing is an attempt to reinterpret that scene in order to emphasise the shapes and planes of the model in the space.

Whilst producing it, as well as my never-ending fascination with Picasso, I was trying to take inspiration from the delicate, spidery drawings of Cy Twombly, and the sensitive, yet tremendously sculptural, Shelter Drawings of Henry Moore.

It’s drawn in pencil on cartridge paper, is A2 size (84cm x 60cm) and is supplied unframed. As per my previous Seated Nude Study, I’ve purposely left the drawing ‘sketchy’ and unpolished as evidence of the process of discovery and of trial and error.

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