4 thoughts on “New Drawing: Bacchus and Ariadne (after Titian)”

  1. Hi Meg, Thanks for letting me know about the problem with signing up. I’ll check it out and try and fix it. I love Poussin’s work, but wasn’t aware of that painting. I’ll bet it looked fantastic, even with just a brief glimpse! Here’s hoping!

  2. Hi Andy. I thought I’d signed up to your blog, but don’t seem to be getting any notifications, so am checking in on spec! Funny to stumble on Bacchus and Ariadne here… I’ve just come back from a few days in Northumberland, and while looking round the amazing State Rooms at Alnwick Castle, you get a glimpse into the Drawing Room/Library which the Percy family actually still use… One of the large paintings on the wall in there was difficult to see as it was at an extreme angle, but the strong blue and rich pink were unmistakeable as this painting! I googled it when I got home to see whether they do in fact own it, and it turned out to be a copy – but a copy by Poussin! Maybe they’ll be interested in a copy by Dobbie one day…? 🙂

  3. My sincere apologies Trevor. WordPress seems to have set itself to auto approve comments and has stopped sending notifications, so I’ve only just seen this. Thanks for the kind words. It was fun working a piece up in pencil again although it took way longer than I thought!

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